Sunday, July 21, 2019

Abortion as a "form" of killing

Randomly browsing the net one day, undoubtedly because I had little to do, I came across an article from Matt Walsh, speaking on the Daily Wire Youtube site, which, I think, best summarizes the pro-abortion pro-choice argument. Walsh claims that most pro-abortion arguments are smoke screens for the real arguments, and I believe he’s correct. Sophie Lewis, feminist and author of Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (a quite revealing title) is his subject to prove that point. In an interview Walsh features, Lewis honestly says abortion is a form of killing that we need to defend. That, I think, is the substance of every pro-choice pro-abortion argument. As I watched this video, I thought that, in fact, those who are pro-choice can’t say they want to defend killing so they must mask what they want in the form of arguments about the “personhood” of the fetus, for instance. In essence, they must mask their desire to kill something with metaphysical argument while biology clearly shows the fetus is a living human being. What they really want is moral permission to kill a living being they do not want to keep or support.
I found it interesting that she has to say abortion is a “form” of killing. We never say killing a house fly or a tumor is a “form” of killing. We use words like this to mask underlying uncomfortable feelings. Even in this interview it seems her moral sense is bothering her, but she wants to coax her moral sense over to the other side hoping to feed it enough lies to keep it quiet. I feel she’s trying to talk herself into a moral stance she can’t yet defend.

The pic is from Walsh’s video and here is the link to the video:

In addition, she does appear elsewhere on the net. Here’s a more detailed interview with her on abortion where she echoes the thoughts that Walsh talks about. Here she calls being pregnant “gestational work” – another euphemism to undoubtedly calm her moral sense.

I should mention that I did an article on the claim that the liberal left is immoral when it comes to life and death and the post is at

"What liberalism does, in this case, is teach people to be irresponsible. It also damages the family structure because neither the mother or father considers the needs of the child.  The funny thing about liberalism is that on the one hand Hillary Clinton can opine that it takes a village to raise a child while on the other hand her secular philosophy denies that parents should even care about their children and can kill them if their autonomy is threatened. Apparently, it takes a village assuming the village cares."

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